Too High to Cum Down: How Edibles Helped Me Achieve Full-Body Orgasm

Too High to Cum Down: How Edibles Helped Me Achieve Full-Body Orgasm

Too High to Cum Down: How Edibles Helped Me Achieve Full-Body Orgasm

by Maddie Allard, Marketing Manager of Emojibator


I recently had the best orgasm of my life. 

Since starting SSRIs in my early 20’s, my libido has been all but existent. I can still enjoy sex, but there is no real urge. Looking at things that may have turned others on just didn’t work for me. As for masturbation, I only really do it when I want to cure a headache or some cramps. Sometimes I do it because I’m bored. I’m not saying I’m never horny and I never masturbate because I’m horny, but it is rare for me.

This all changed the other night when I ate an edible. My body usually becomes pretty sensitive when I’m high. I once got mad at my best friend while we were walking around Las Vegas high because she kept bumping into me and it felt like an electric shock every time. I’ve also noticed that my nipples get incredibly sensitive when I’m high, the sensitivity was heightened even more once I had my nipples pierced. As someone who’s not used to be horny in public, it’s a strange feeling. I feel incredibly exposed which in a way is a little fun.

Back to my edible experience: knowing this sensitivity of mine I decided I was going to get SUPER high and masturbate. I had already said goodnight to my roommate who had taken sleeping pills, so I figured I was in the clear to go all out. I pulled my favorite vibrator and started going to town. 

The euphoria was intense. It reminded me of the first time I had sex with a woman after years of mediocre experiences with men. It was pure bliss. Sometimes masturbation can feel like a chore. Like, please just let me cum so I can go to sleep. Stop making it so difficult for me, clitoris. This time every second was a body-shaking pleasure. 

I touched myself all over and didn’t hold my moans back. As mentioned earlier, my roommate had taken sleeping pills so I figured I wouldn’t be disturbing her. Like a volcano about to erupt, my orgasm exploded through me. I was blown away by the pleasure my body was providing, my sheets were soaked. As I laid there shaking, letting the orgasm pulse through me, I wondered why I hadn’t tried this before. 

The next morning I ran into my roommate in the kitchen. “How was your night?” she asked me. I shrugged and said it was okay. That’s when she dropped the bomb, “yeah, those sleeping pills didn’t put me to sleep last night, so I was just stuck in my bed wide awake.” 


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